Yeah, that's true, free resources will no be longer available in the Heroku cloud system. It’s already been a few years since Heroku was the most popular cloud system which was providing a friendly way to deploy Node.js, Python, Ruby, Java, Go and many other runtime applications with just a few clicks.
Everyone loved it, especially developers who were just learning or building some non-commercial open-source projects.
Here is the official announcement.
Sad news, but what can you do …
There is no need to worry. Just don’t panic!
Lately, I was making a small project with my two friends. It’s called “”. Basically, we were building a non-profit info website for our local JavaScript tech community. And we were thinking about where to deploy the app as Heroku doesn’t provide free resources anymore. Well, there were many opportunities for us, but we needed something simple, something like Heroku.
I was doing some research when found the render cloud platform.
This platform provides instant deploys mostly for all types of apps. It’s similar to Heroku, but I kinda liked it more.
In this cloud platform, you can use free resources and up your application.
Here are the steps.
First, create an account at render.
Now after successful login into the system, you can create an application.
At this stage, we need to connect the GitHub repository with the application.
I will use a public GitHub repository, which is a basic Node.js example.
Then we specify a few things related to the environment Usually the values and configurations are detected from the repository and defined here. So in my case, I will just leave it as it is.
And in the end, the most important, we choose the plan. here we have a free option.
Seems promising, isn’t it?
When everything is ok and we have chosen the plan, we can create the app.
Right after the creation, you will see this kind of page, where you will find the deployment logs.
All other necessary things related to the application and the environment can be found on the menu.
Just wait for a moment and you will see the successful log which are telling that the application is up and running.
Now we can open the provided URL and see our application alive:
So that’s it!
Thank you, feel free to ask any questions or tweet me @nairihar
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